Coaching & Training
Make your next professional step come true!
Coaching EPSO Application and Assessment Centre
Whether you are starting the procedure or are in the final stage, we offer personalized support throughout the selection process. Application on EPSO website, situational competency-based interview, general competency-based interview, field-related interview... Free telephone contact (15min) to make a preparation program. Contact us now!
The European Personnel Selection Office is the directorate-general of the European Union which deals with recruitment for the EU institutions. If you want to start a career in the European Commission, the Parliament or the Council, you must apply for the EPSO Competition.
Career sparing partner
Career Coaching - Tired of your job, lost motivation? Do you want to embark on new professional projects? Career coaching allows you to take stock and clearly define your new goals. The accompaniment by a professional in coaching and psychology will not only help you to break down the barriers that prevent you from moving forward but also will help you to go through with your goals. FREE contact call (15min) to define how we can help! Contact us!
Skills assessment - The skills assessment is an individual support system aimed at facilitating professional development.
It allows you to analyze your professional and personal skills, as well as your aptitudes and motivations in order to define a professional project and possibly a training project. Ask now for a quote and a tailor-made program!

Juliette Piriou
Career Coach & Trainer
Assessment centre specialist
EMCC member

Laure Gervais
Artist, adviser & life coach
Master of Sociology ULB, Brussels & Master in Social sciences, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France.